distribution first wordmark

Turn your existing content into a scalable, highly visible marketing machine

Stop worrying no one will consume the content you create. Feel more confident every time you hit publish knowing that your best content will always be seen.

Over 95% of marketing teams face the same problem.They spend most of their time creating new content and then struggle to get eyeballs on it.It takes more time, costs more money, and burns you out in the process.Sure, you’re busy, but your content isn’t making the impact you know that it should.And worst of all, if Google doesn’t rank your content, you’re left with a massive library full of content nobody knows exists.This leaves so many talented marketers questioning why they create all this content to begin with.The truth is you don’t have a content problem, you have a distribution problem.I believe you can amplify your existing content strategy without completely burning out.You can leverage your best content and top channels to consistently get your message in front of your audience and become the first company your future customers think of when they need help.Distribution First helps small marketing teams make the most of their content, remix what they already have, and amplify a consistent message across different platforms.

Most content marketers struggle with the same pitfalls...

Are you constantly working on new content, but not getting traction?

Is your content calendar full of blogs and webinars, but traffic and engagement aren’t growing?

Do you hit publish and immediately move on to the next piece of content?

Is it harder than you thought to repurpose and remix your content for LinkedIn, email, and newsletters?

Do you struggle to prove your content ROI to your leadership team?

Does it feel like you’re on a blog hamster wheel, purely to drive SEO numbers, with tons of internal politics to navigate?

"Justin is one of the most effective content marketers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. He strategized and produced a content engine that not only drove interest, but created raving fans. In turn, creating massive amounts of demand and value that any company and demand gen team dreams about."Bryttney Blanken, Demand Gen Leader

wren noble

Dive deeper into Distribution First

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The Distribution First Playbook

This free blueprint gives you all the steps to build a content distribution system and amplify your existing content without relying on Google.Get 5 simple strategies in 5 emails.

Implement Distribution First at your company

Content Repurposing Roadmap (Course)

Get the self-paced video course and learn how to audit your content, repurpose your best stuff, and build a repeatable content engine.

“Awesome bite-size videos that help understand and implement repurposing into your content workflow. Justin also provides useful ready-to-use templates. Loved it!”-Magda Misiorny, Director of Marketing at Synthace

Distribution First (Training + Community)

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Distribution First helps you amplify your content through plug-and-play frameworks, advanced training, and personalized coaching.

“By joining Distribution First, you get to learn from top marketers who are doing great things. The regular workshops, community Q&As, and Justin's coaching sessions will help you create better content and get noticed.”- Andy Smith, Marketing Manager at HatchWorks

1:1 Distribution Consulting

The Distribution First Accelerator is a private consulting service that has guided dozens of B2B marketing teams to get more eyeballs on the content they already have on platforms that matter most to their business without throwing more money at advertising campaigns.

“After working with Justin, we have a really consistent system for our content distribution. We are doing more, more effectively. We are more strategic about our content. We are planning distribution from the very beginning of the process instead of as an afterthought. Our social engagement has improved, and we are using our existing content more effectively.”- Wren Noble, Head of Content at Glide

What others are saying...


"My 1-hour syncs with Justin were the best meeting time I'd spend all week. Every week there was something to learn and actionable takeaways."

Sepy Bazzari


"Justin shows you a process where you focus on your main themes to create 20% of your content and repurpose 80% of the time which is a complete game changer!"

Giuseppe Grammatico


"I realized that we really needed to be leveraging our old content more. Justin gave me the plan to repurpose that content to save myself a bunch of time and get more value for my company out of that content."

David Nesbitt


"Justin is Mr. Organic B2B Content Distribution. (Ok, that sounded better in my head...) but this is as good as cold hard cash. This is how the pros do it!"

Camille Trent


"Justin understands what content marketing is really about - repurposing your narratives so you can repeat them over and over again."

Dozie Anyaegbunam


"Justin is THE authority on content repurposing. If you feel like you're constantly on the hamster wheel, he'll show you a less stressful and much more powerful way."

Jess Cook


"Before working with Justin, I would describe our content process as 'flying by the seat of our pants.' Don't wait to work with Justin. Now I feel like I'm in charge of the best-run content production in the world."

Morgan Smith

quiz pdf

"The Distribution First approach gives marketers (particularly those on smaller teams) a leg up in their market. Everything was immediately actionable and allowed us to get value quickly."

Josh Thomas

quiz pdf

"After working with Justin we are doing more, more effectively. He provided an amazing outside eye for our team, spotting areas of opportunity we hadn't uncovered yet."

Wren Noble

👋 Hey, I'm Justin

Most small B2B SaaS marketing teams struggle with getting their content noticed by their target audience. The reason is they often don't have a good plan for promoting their content and rely too much on SEO for traffic. When this happens, their great content gets ignored, and their marketing efforts don't show clear results. Until all of a sudden, their content fades into the background and looks and feels like every other company out there.I specialize in helping teams consistently promote content to their audience, organically. I created the Distribution First because it's the best way to reuse and share content the content you already have, making it work harder without creating new stuff all the time.All so your content gets more visibility, engagement, and results.Ultimately, helping you grow your audience and achieve your marketing goals without overwhelming you or your team.

Justin Simon
distribution first wordmark

Amplify your existing content strategy

The Distribution First Accelerator is a private consulting service that has guided dozens of B2B marketing teams to get more eyeballs on the content they already have on platforms that matter most to their business without throwing more money at advertising campaigns.

Most content marketers struggle with the same pitfalls...

Are you constantly working on new content, but not getting traction?

Is your content calendar full of blogs and webinars, but traffic and engagement aren’t growing?

Do you hit publish and immediately move on to the next piece of content?

Is it harder than you thought to repurpose and remix your content for LinkedIn, email, and newsletters?

Do you struggle to prove your content ROI to your leadership team?

Does it feel like you’re on a blog hamster wheel, purely to drive SEO numbers, with tons of internal politics to navigate?

Trust me, you're not alone...

“Before we were looking for ways to more efficiently and strategically expand the reach of our small marketing team. After working with Justin, we have a really consistent system for our content distribution. We are more strategic about our content. We are planning distribution from the very beginning of the process instead of as an afterthought. Our social engagement has improved, and we are using our existing content more effectively.”Wren Noble, Head of Content at Glide

wren noble

95% of companies create too much content with no plan to get it in front of people

Ten years ago, most bloggers wrote between 2-6 per week. And I was one of them.When I took over my first corporate content strategy, I spent most of my time writing, editing, and publishing "SEO" blog posts to drive free trials and leads.After all, the more content I created for the blog, the better I was doing, right?Not really.Worst of all, this is still a reality for most content teams out there.There's a lot more to a successful content marketing program than simply hitting publish and hoping the Google gods take care of the rest.Effective SEO is a huge help in driving traffic, but simply writing more stuff isn't going to produce the results you need.Especially when over 90% of the content you create will never show up on page 1 of Google.This forced me to ask one question that changed my entire strategy:"If Google isn't going to distribute my content for me, how the heck will my audience see it?"And we all know creating content that no one sees is worthless.Spending hours writing content, shooting videos, and hosting webinars that sit around and collect digital dust is pointless and, worst of all, frustrating.The good news is that you can jump off the content creation hamster wheel.And Distribution First helps you do it.We help you make the most of your content, remix what you already have, give real value to your customers, and amplify a consistent message across different platforms.

There are 3 reasons most marketing teams struggle to amplify their content.

Reason #1: Too many messages

Your company needs to stand out. When customers think “X” you want to be the first thing they think of. But you’re not Kleenex, Chapstick, or Google.So why are you acting like everyone knows your brand?You might create a lot of stuff, but your messages are all over the place. Your podcast is on Topic X. Your LinkedIn is full of Topic Y. And your newsletter always hits on Topic Z.No wonder your potential customers have no clue what you do, the problems you solve, or remember you compared to anyone else. You’ve completely confused them.The more consistently you share your core messages, the more “top of mind” you’ll be.

Reason #2: Too many requests

Teams are obsessed with more. More ideas. More campaigns. More content. But it doesn’t seem to help.Leadership, product teams, and sales all keep asking for new content you’re left to figure out how to manage it all.You end up trying to please everyone and realize it’s impossible to give every stakeholder something new every time they ask for it.Instead of constantly creating new stuff, you need a plan to repurpose and remix your best content so your entire org can take advantage of it.When you tie it all together, you can handle multiple requests and campaigns without burning out.

Reason #3: Too many channels

It’s tempting to be on every platform. Everyone thinks you should be on TikTok, LinkedIn, Substack, YouTube, and whatever new platform pops up next month.Well, sure, that’s great. But you don’t have a 20-person team full of experts who the ins and outs of every channel. It’s no wonder you’re burned out. You’re trying to do the impossible.Maybe it makes more sense to dominate a single channel. To build a fan base. Then, based on your success, you can scale to the next channel.The irony is: the fewer channels you focus on, the bigger the impact you will make.

“It’s rare to find someone who understands that the goal of content isn’t to optimize for a specific channel but instead focus on what the audience needs. The distribution-first approach is very audience-centric, which gives marketers – particularly those on smaller teams – a leg up in their market.”Josh Thomas, VP of Marketing at Madison Logic

josh thomas

This is the Distribution First Accelerator

How the program works:

Phase 1


This phase is all about creating your distribution strategy. It’s the blueprint that guides everything else.

  • Establish core messages (key topics that resonate with your audience)

  • Decide on your strong POVs (your take on the marketplace)

  • Assess existing content library (review current blog posts, podcasts, guides, and videos)

Phase 2


With your strategy in place, this phase is all about launching your first distribution flywheel.

  • Update/Refresh existing content (update old blog posts with new information, links, and resources)

  • Create distribution documents for top content (pre-written content for sharing on different platforms)

  • Start publishing platform-native versions of your best content (create LinkedIn posts from your blogs that folks actually want to read)

Phase 3


You've got your initial flywheel in place, and now it's time to fine-tune everything. We’re taking what works and doubling down.

  • Add distribution to your content roadmap (plan content distribution into your editorial calendar)

  • Create momentum across channels and mediums (schedule regular posts across multiple platforms)

  • Build a proactive distribution calendar (plan ahead for content launches and promotions)

Phase 4


With your program humming, it's time to expand the strategy and amplify your content with new channels and formats.

  • Measure your distribution impact (track engagement metrics and calculate repurposing multiplier)

  • Remix your best hits (refresh and redistribute top-performing content)

  • Optimize and test new channels, formats, etc. (experiment with new social media platforms or content formats)

Build trust, drive sales, and elevate your content game

Stop worrying no one will consume the content you create

Feel more confident every time you hit publish knowing that you didn't forget about distribution. Our easy system for sharing your content will help you feel more in control of your content strategy. Start planning distribution from the very beginning of the process instead of as an afterthought.

Get your content seen without relying on keywords

Only relying on traditional SEO puts your strategy in jeopardy. It's getting harder to rank, competition has skyrocketed, SERPs are a mess, and buyers aren't clicking into your site like they used to. We'll create a strategy to diversify your distribution like a well-rounded investment portfolio.

Don't burn out

Nobody gets into content marketing to be a burned-out order taker who’s embarrassed about what they put out. We’ll show you smart ways to produce high-quality content at scale without burning out.

Always stay top of mind

Become the first company customers look for when they need help. Repeating your core messages is the only way your audience will recall your company when problems and topics that matter most come up in conversation.

"Justin is not a traditional social media practitioner — he’s an expert in strategic content distribution across channels. He understands how to repurpose your highest-value content for social media and distribute it more intentionally to the right audiences. And all in alignment with overall business goals."Hillary Noble, Director of Content at Help Scout

hillary noble

What an engagement looks like

Get help and advice every week

You’ll have weekly Zoom calls to give you personal help and advice. Each session is a chance to dive deep into your content strategy, review your progress, and solve any problems you face. You’ll get clear action steps every week, so you always know what to do next to amplify your content strategy forward.

Distribution roadmap

You’ll receive a detailed distribution roadmap tailored to your company. No cookie-cutter strategies. This roadmap shows you exactly what steps to take to get your content seen and engaged with. It includes specific channels to focus on, a schedule for when to post and share your content, and guidelines for repurposing your existing content.

Templates and guides

You’ll also get access to a library of templates and step-by-step guides. These resources will help you turn a single piece of content into multiple formats (like blog posts, social media updates, and emails), create platform-native content that fits each channel’s best practices, and use proven strategies to increase your content’s reach and engagement.

Collaborative implementation

We’ll work together to implement the strategies we develop. This means hands-on help to refresh and update your existing content, step-by-step support to publish and distribute your content, and regular check-ins and content reviews to adjust and optimize your approach based on what’s working.

Video lessons

Get a full library of video lessons designed to help you get the most out of the content you create. You have access to full tutorials, expert interviews, and course materials.

Community of peers

Get a private invite to become part of an active, supportive community where you don't have to go it alone. Enjoy collaboration and friendship to share experiences, challenges, and successes.

Monthy workshops

Dive deep into the latest strategies, trends, and techniques with our monthly live webinars. Each session is packed with actionable frameworks and strategies you can start using right away.

Expert office hours

Bring your most pressing questions and challenges for personalized advice outside of our weekly calls. These sessions are a rare opportunity to gain direct insights and guidance from those at the top of their game.

Dashboard to track everything

Learn how to track and present the data in a way that makes it easy to demonstrate ROI and secure executive support.

Most lean marketing teams don’t have a plan they feel confident in

👋 Hey, I'm Justin

If you made it this far, you know you're not amplifying the content you create.Why not? Because 95% of B2B marketers treat distribution as an afterthought.They don't have a good plan for promoting their content and rely too much on SEO for traffic. Then their great content gets ignored, and their marketing efforts get put into question.Until all of a sudden, their content fades into the background and looks and feels like every other company out there.Most teams know how to create great content, but they don't know what to do with it.I specialize in helping teams consistently promote content to their audience, organically. I created the Distribution First Accelerator because it's the best way to reuse and share the content you already have, making it work harder without creating new stuff all the time.All so your content gets more visibility, engagement, and results.Ultimately, helping you grow your audience and achieve your marketing goals without overwhelming you or your team.

Justin Simon

Frequently asked questions

How much does this cost?

All engagements begin with a 90-day sprint, starting at $1999 per month.

How much time should we commit to building out your recommendations?

There are a few kickoff items that take some thoughtfulness to go through, but overall I would hope it wouldn't take more than a few hours a week outside of our meetings. I like to use meetings to take action and then use the rest of the week to clean up any follow-up items.

Who ideally would you like to talk to in the organization?

Initially, every team structure is different so I don't want to get too prescriptive. But typically key stakeholders include the head of marketing, demand gen, content, and social media.

What are the things you need from us to set you up for success?

The more transparent information we can get the better. Everything from metrics to agreed-upon messages. Once we know the type of content that's worth distributing and what the main messages are we want to get in front of the audience a lot of the "tactical" pieces fall in place. From there it all becomes how much is able to be executed on. The biggest thing we'll need for a successful engagement is content that your audience loves. If the content quality is high, everything else becomes easier.

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